MGMT, the musical duo consisting of Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben Goldwasser, have been making music together for over half of their lives. They met in university and bonded over their shared love for artists like Talking Heads, OMD, Brian Eno, and Television Personalities. Now, ahead of their upcoming album, VanWyngarden reflects on their journey and the evolution of their sound.

Embracing Musical Shapeshifting

VanWyngarden describes MGMT as a “shape-shifting musical entity” that loves to experiment with different styles. They have never been desperate to recreate the success of their first album, “Oracular Spectacular,” which produced hits like “Time To Pretend,” “Kids,” and “Electric Feel.” Instead, they have embraced their musical growth and allowed themselves to explore various genres.

Loss Of Life: A Sublime Album

MGMT’s upcoming album, “Loss Of Life,” is their first studio effort in six years and their first since parting ways with a major label. The album is beautifully crafted and reflective, showcasing a more stripped-back and sincere approach to their music. While they have matured as artists, MGMT has stayed true to their unique sound and avoided becoming too “adult contemporary.”

The Creative Partnership

Despite living on opposite coasts, VanWyngarden in New York and Goldwasser in Los Angeles, the creative partnership between the two has remained strong. They attribute their enduring alliance to their shared belief in the power of their music and their unwavering urge to create. MGMT’s journey has had its ups and downs, but their friendship and creative bond have stood the test of time.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

MGMT’s path has not been without challenges, especially following the massive success of their debut album. However, their enduring passion for music has kept them going. With each album, they strive to stay true to themselves while exploring new ideas and sounds. The release of their fourth album, “Little Dark Age,” brought unexpected resurgence thanks to a viral TikTok trend. Now, with “Loss Of Life,” MGMT continues to captivate listeners with their unique blend of offbeat pop music.

A Personal Touch

“Loss Of Life” features tracks that touch on personal experiences and connections. VanWyngarden reveals that one song, “Phradie’s Song,” is actually dedicated to his two-year-old daughter, who shares the same name as his great-great aunt, a star soprano in the 1920s. This personal touch adds another layer of meaning to the album.

The Future of MGMT

While MGMT currently has no live gigs booked, they are planning to continue experimenting and making more recordings. Their focus remains on creating music that resonates with them and their audience. If “Loss Of Life” is any indication, MGMT’s musical journey is one that fans won’t want to miss.


By f5mag

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