BEING greeted by unpleasant odors when you step into your home is not a pleasant experience. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune on expensive room fresheners or fancy reed diffusers to give your living space a delightful fragrance.

Coffee grounds are great for cancelling out unpleasant smells

Here are some affordable and easy tricks to keep your home smelling fresh:

Coffee Break: Use Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds work wonders in neutralizing unpleasant smells. If you have stubborn lingering odors from pet urine or vomit, leave out a bowl of coffee grounds. Dry out old coffee grounds by spreading them on baking paper and baking at a low temperature until they are dry. Then, place the bowl as close as possible to the source of the offensive scent.

Baking Soda: Tackle Household Odors

Instead of covering up household smells, tackle them at the source with baking soda. Pets, cooking, and other household odors can seep into fabrics and leave unpleasant smells. Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on stinky rugs or carpets, and let it sit for at least an hour, ideally up to 24 hours, before vacuuming it up. You can also place a small dish of baking soda in food cupboards to prevent bad smells.

Bed Wash: Regularly Clean Your Pet’s Bed

If you have a pet, make sure you regularly machine wash their bed. Hair and bacteria build-up can create an off-putting “dog” smell that lingers in your home. Keeping your pet’s bed clean will help eliminate this odor.

Deep Freeze: Freeze Food Waste

Food waste bins can emit unpleasant odors from decaying produce. Instead of using a bin, try putting a compostable bag in the freezer and scrape food into it. Freezing the food instantly stops the odor, and you can remove the bag as usual before collection. Be careful as frozen food can become sharp and may puncture the bag.

These simple tricks will help keep your home smelling fresh without breaking the bank. Enjoy a pleasant atmosphere in your living space this spring!

F5 Magazine is your go-to source for all things lifestyle and home improvement. For more tips and tricks, visit us at

By f5mag

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