The 6th Joburg Film Festival, happening at O.R Tambo airport, has brought forth an extraordinary and lesser-known tale. This narrative unravels how the airport’s namesake was the genius behind a groundbreaking strategy – recruiting ordinary British working-class individuals to journey to South Africa. Their mission? To distribute pamphlet bombs during the 1970s.
A Little-Known Story of Bravery and Determination
In the fight against apartheid, many unsung heroes emerged. One such group was the courageous British volunteers known as the “London Recruits.” This remarkable saga sheds light on their daring efforts to dismantle the oppressive regime that plagued South Africa.
A Mastermind’s Strategy
The mastermind behind this audacious plan was none other than O.R Tambo, the namesake of the airport hosting the Joburg Film Festival. Tambo sought to recruit individuals from ordinary British working-class backgrounds, who were passionate about justice and equality.
Pamphlet Bombs: The Weapon of Choice
During the 1970s, the London Recruits embarked on their mission. Equipped with pamphlet bombs, the volunteers skillfully detonated them throughout South Africa. These seemingly harmless devices were designed to disseminate crucial information and challenge the apartheid regime.
Unveiling the Truth
The upcoming film, ‘London Recruits,’ promises to shed light on this remarkable and little-known chapter in history. This exclusive documentary captures the essence of courage, selflessness, and determination displayed by these unsung heroes.
An Inspiring Legacy
The legacy of the London Recruits lives on, serving as a reminder of the power of unity and the strength of ordinary individuals. Their actions undoubtedly played a significant role in the eventual dismantling of apartheid in South Africa.
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