The Producers Guild of America (PGA) is taking action to ensure that Hollywood’s working producers have access to health insurance coverage. During the PGA’s annual awards ceremony, presidents Stephanie Allain and Donald De Line announced a new initiative to secure funding for health insurance for “qualified producers” through TV and film production budgets.

Closing the Gap for Producers

The goal of this initiative is to bridge the gap between producers and other creative guilds in Hollywood by providing easy access to health insurance coverage for those who meet the PGA’s criteria. Unlike unionized professionals in the industry, producers currently lack guaranteed health insurance benefits. The PGA believes that no one should go without these essential benefits, especially considering the challenges that come with producing.

Industry Support

Prominent production banners such as Blumhouse, Berlanti Productions, Legendary, and MACRO have already committed to advocating for producer health insurance in their budgets. The PGA is urging production entities to contribute to industry-wide health insurance programs on behalf of PGA-credited producers. Alternatively, they can provide a direct payment as a budget line item to eligible producers, allowing them to purchase private insurance.

Jason Blum, CEO and founder of Blumhouse, emphasized the importance of taking care of producers. Since producers do not have a union on set, it’s crucial for them to support each other and ensure the well-being of their families and the industry as a whole.

Challenges and Solutions

Implementing health insurance coverage for producers will undoubtedly be a difficult task, considering the financial pressure faced by traditional giants in Hollywood. The PGA suggests adding an additional $3.33 per hour to production budgets for producers who need to buy private insurance.

To make this initiative possible, the PGA offers two options for major entities. Studios can make employee contributions through the Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plan for eligible producers on qualifying productions. They can also provide a direct payment line item in production budgets for producers to purchase their own health insurance if they cannot access benefits through an existing industry plan or union contract.

Uniting for Producers

While the PGA is not a collective bargaining unit and does not negotiate contracts with major studios like other guilds, they are taking a proactive approach to address the needs of producers. The Producers Guild Healthcare Initiative serves as an opportunity for the industry to rally behind producers and pave the way for future generations.

The PGA applauds Blumhouse, Legendary, MACRO, and Berlanti Productions for their involvement in this groundbreaking initiative. The guild encourages all production companies across the industry to join them in this essential movement.

The focus on generating health insurance solutions for PGA members was sparked by the efforts of member Harvey Wilson. Past presidents Gail Berman and Lucy Fisher also championed health insurance as a cause for the guild during their tenure from 2018 to 2022.

With this initiative, the PGA aims to provide support and security for producers, ensuring their well-being and contributing to the future of the industry.

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By f5mag

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