Revolutions have always been synonymous with hope and the strength of community. “Immortals,” a thought-provoking documentary about young Iraqi activists, delves into the aftermath of the October Protest Movement in 2019. But what happens when the promise of a better life gets hijacked by insidious political forces? This insightful film by Maja Tschumi sheds light on the social and political fabric of modern Iraq, exposing the quiet desperation that arises from lost hope and unexpressed emotions. It also chronicles the struggles of a generation that shares dreams and frustrations with people around the world facing similar oppressions.

A Universal Aspiration for Change

While “Immortals” captures the specific language and culture of Iraq, the aspirations of the activists it follows mirror the desires of young people in other countries like Sudan or Iran, where the youth have also demanded change. The film centers around Milo, a feminist navigating a family with strict and constrictive rules, and Khalili, a filmmaker who found his purpose in documenting the revolution. They are not just subjects of the film; they are Tschumi’s partners, co-writing the script and basing the narrative on their own lives and memories.

Milo and Khalili serve as witnesses and archivists, infusing the film with more than mere facts. They bare their pain and despair, but also share their optimistic vision for a future beyond their country’s current state. Collaborating closely, the three filmmakers re-enact significant episodes from Milo and Khalili’s past, providing context to the ongoing events. Seamlessly merging reality and re-creations, the film blurs the lines between what’s real and what’s acted.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

Khalili’s camera gives “Immortals” its most powerful visuals. He captures the chaos on the streets of Baghdad and the fervor of the revolutionaries striving for change. Bullets fly, tear gas fills the frame, but amidst the chaos, he also captures moments of joy, frivolity, and optimism among the demonstrators. His post-revolution testimonials provide the film with haunting commentary. As Khalili mourns lost dreams and remembers fallen comrades, “Immortals” underscores the importance of telling his story.

Like a screen star, Milo’s expressive face brims with emotion. As she recounts how she can only move freely around Baghdad when dressed in her brother’s clothes, her voice conveys a myriad of feelings: pride in her ability to find a way to be freer, skepticism about the situation, and distress that she has to resort to this as a rallying feminist. Tschumi and cinematographer Silvio Gerber patiently capture these moments, allowing Milo’s conviction to shine through.

Finding Solace Amidst Turmoil

Milo’s section of the film also portrays the tenderness and affection these young people have for each other. In her interactions with a close friend, they cook, eat, and engage in late-night conversations, finding solace in each other amid danger and frustration. As decisions need to be made, conflicts arise, and the camera stays at a distance, revealing the gulf that appears between friends as priorities shift. These powerful and intimate scenes offer a rare glimpse into private discussions that would otherwise remain inaccessible.

As we watch “Immortals,” a question lingers: Can Milo reconcile her love for her country and friends with her yearning for a more fulfilling life elsewhere? Tschumi wisely refrains from providing a definitive answer. Her quiet and contemplative exploration of post-revolution ennui never feels preachy. The film calmly follows its protagonists as they navigate a situation much bigger than themselves. Milo and Khalili emerge as active storytellers in control of their narrative, even if they can’t control their circumstances. By chronicling the lives of these young activists, “Immortals” links their struggle and unwavering conviction to others of their generation around the world. Although the Iraqi revolution may not have achieved all its goals, optimism prevails as long as young people like Milo and Khalili continue fighting another day.

Source: F5 Magazine

By f5mag

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