
The Chelsea football club is currently facing one of its biggest challenges – a civil war among its fanbase. The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust (CST), an organization committed to fostering a constructive relationship between fans and the club, has expressed deep concern regarding the disconnect between supporters and the club’s ownership and board. In this letter addressed to Todd and Behdad, the leaders of the club, the CST highlights the urgent need for improved communication, fair ticket pricing, and greater engagement with the wider fanbase. Let’s delve into the key issues addressed in this letter.

Current Supporter Mood and Lack of Direction

The current mood amongst Chelsea supporters is at an all-time low. Fans are feeling a lack of trust and a sense of helplessness due to the absence of clear communication from the club’s new ownership. The concerns expressed by supporters are valid and cannot be ignored. The board must understand that the fans are the lifeblood of the club and their opinions matter. The trust warns that a failure to address these issues could lead to more targeted chanting and protests by some sections of the fanbase.

Growing Financial Revenue Streams at the Expense of Supporters

When the current ownership took charge, they promised to grow the club’s commercial revenue streams before burdening the supporters financially. However, this pledge seems to have been broken. Supporters are frustrated by the recent tightening and increase in prices of various supporter budgets, including coach prices, shirt costs, cup fixtures tickets, and more. The CST acknowledges the club’s need to optimize income but urges caution against imposing significant ticket price increases, especially considering the difficult financial situation faced by many supporters.

Urgent Requirement to Engage with the Wider Fanbase

While the club has shown willingness to work with the CST on community and foundation projects, there is an urgent need for a more comprehensive supporter engagement approach. The CST believes that a clearer vision, including updates on the stadium redevelopment plans, is necessary to address the concerns of loyal supporters. The lack of communication has led to rumors and cynicism among fans. The trust emphasizes the importance of involving supporters from the beginning in stadium redevelopment plans and suggests more open and large-scale communication to build trust and confidence among supporters.


The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust has called for immediate action to address the discontent among fans. The club must improve communication, reconsider ticket pricing, and engage with the wider fanbase to instill confidence and trust. The CST stands ready to work with the club towards these goals. It is crucial for the club’s leadership to understand the significance of a united fanbase and take steps to ensure that the supporters’ voices are heard and their concerns addressed. Only through transparency and genuine engagement can Chelsea FC navigate through this challenging period and emerge stronger.


By f5mag

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