Judd Apatow, the renowned director and producer, firmly believes that comedy movies are not dead in theaters. Although the genre has predominantly shifted to streaming platforms in recent years, Apatow remains optimistic about its future. In a recent interview with Vulture, he expressed his belief that all it takes is one blockbuster comedy in theaters to change the game. And according to Apatow, that may have already happened.

A New Era for Comedy Movies

Apatow confidently argued against the notion that movie theaters are no longer a venue for comedy films. He pointed out, “I would say that’s wrong because the highest-grossing comedy last year made over a billion dollars. ‘Barbie’ was a comedy, you know?” But when asked if a Marvel movie could also be considered a comedy, Apatow responded, “I don’t think so. It’s not a drama. There are some emotional moments in it, but it’s just wall-to-wall jokes. What other category would it be?”

The Need for a Game-Changer

Apatow believes that the comedy genre will eventually regain its prominence in movie theaters. He stated, “The industry does follow the leader… for comedy, it just requires another hit or two.” He emphasized that if a movie similar to “The Hangover” were to come out and be a massive success, the industry would be eager to produce more movies like it. Apatow shed some light on the decision-making process in executive suites, revealing that they simply chase whatever is successful without much deeper thought. People tend to avoid taking risks, so it takes a remarkable hit to shake things up.

The Role of Innovation and Risk-Taking

Apatow drew attention to Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film, “Oppenheimer,” as an example of what the comedy genre needs to thrive in theaters. He applauded Donna Langley, the head of Universal Pictures, for taking a chance on a movie about the inventor of the atom bomb. Apatow emphasized the importance of big risks and the audience’s desire for challenging and original cinematic experiences. While streaming platforms offer convenience, nothing quite beats the joy of watching a great comedy in a theater.

Hope on the Horizon

Despite the shift towards streaming, comedy movies have not completely disappeared from theaters. Films like “Anyone but You,” a romantic comedy starring Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell, and “No Hard Feelings,” Jennifer Lawrence’s critically acclaimed return to R-rated comedy, have proven to be box office hits. These successes demonstrate that there is still a demand for comedy films in theaters.

For the complete interview with Judd Apatow, head over to Vulture’s website. Let’s continue to support the comedy genre and look forward to the next big hit that will restore its glory on the silver screen!

Source: Variety

By f5mag

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