
In a surprising twist for fans of “Game of Thrones” star John Bradley, his character in the new series “3 Body Problem” meets a tragic fate. Bradley shares his thoughts on the unexpected turn of events and how it affected his performance. Let’s dive into the details.

The Antithesis of Samwell Tarly

When David Benioff and D.B. Weiss approached John Bradley for a role in “3 Body Problem,” they promised a character who would be the opposite of his beloved role as Samwell Tarly in “Game of Thrones.” Instead of a shy nobleman, Bradley’s character, Jack Rooney, is a bold working-class kid who leaves academia behind to pursue a fortune in snack foods.

A Shocking Revelation

Bradley was taken aback when he received the scripts for “3 Body Problem” and discovered that his character would meet a grim fate. He reflects on his lucky escape from death in “Game of Thrones” and the realization that deaths in David and Dan’s projects are carefully crafted to make an impact on the audience.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

Knowing that his character would only last for three episodes, Bradley felt the pressure to make Jack’s death meaningful. He aimed to create a strong impression and ensure that the audience would mourn the loss of his character. Bradley acknowledges the parallel between Jack’s death and the impact of Ned Stark’s death in “Game of Thrones.”

Filming the Scene

The scene of Jack’s demise was meticulously shot over a period of nine months. Bradley reveals that multiple takes were required to perfect it, with different shots captured on different days. He shares his appreciation for the attention to detail and the opportunity to get the scene absolutely right.

The Surprising Musical Choice

During the ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement) session, Bradley was surprised to discover that the scene was edited with Radiohead’s “Karma Police” playing in the background. The song’s mood and lyrics added a powerful layer to the scene, emphasizing the repercussions of messing with the wrong people.

Reflecting on the Impact

One year after filming the scene, Bradley can’t help but feel connected to Jack’s fate. He admits to being moved by the final cut and hopes that Jack’s death will leave a lasting impression on viewers. The character’s journey from poverty to wealth, only to meet a tragic end, creates a sense of finality and emotional impact.

In this highly anticipated new series, Bradley’s character’s untimely demise sets the stage for a major shift in the show’s dynamics. As we eagerly await the next episodes of “3 Body Problem,” we can’t help but wonder how Jack’s death will continue to shape the story.

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By f5mag

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