JK ROWLING is not like most celebrities.
After all, most celebrities are keen to AVOID the long arm of the law.
Whether it’s for sexual wrongdoing or not paying their taxes, famous names usually do whatever they can to stay away from the police and out of prison.
Yet this week the Harry Potter author publicly goaded the Scottish police to arrest her.
In a long series of social media messages, she even claimed that she “looked forward” to being arrested by Police Scotland, adding the hashtag #ArrestMe.
So why on earth would one of our greatest living writers be so keen to have handcuffs slapped on her wrists?
Because JK Rowling — like millions of other women — has, quite simply, had enough.
She is fed up with seeing the rights and safety of women and girls being slowly but deliberately erased by the new religion that is trans ideology.
The latest assault on women, which prompted Rowling’s outburst, came on Monday, after the new Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into force, creating a new offence of “stirring up of hatred” for various protected groups, which many believe could make it a crime to misgender trans people.
Anyone convicted of this crime could face a fine and a prison term of up to SEVEN years.
On Monday — which was, ironically, also April Fool’s Day — Rowling posted pictures online of ten high-profile trans people and described them all as women.
They included double rapist Isla Bryson, whom she mockingly called a “lovely Scottish lass”, as well as model Munroe Bergdorf and TV presenter India Willoughby.
Then Rowling pointed out this was an April Fool because these people were OF COURSE all men.
She added: “Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.”
An SNP minister said Rowling could now face a police investigation, though Police Scotland said last night that her comments are not being treated as criminal, despite receiving a number of complaints.
But this isn’t only about Scotland.
The new law could criminalise anyone in the UK.
Astonishingly, someone in Scotland who reads Rowling’s tweets or my tweets (or even this article!) could report them as “hate speech” to Police Scotland and demand an investigation.
The new law also paves the way for trans activists to use vexatious complaints to harass women who refuse to kowtow to the new trans religion.
And those not facing criminal prosecution could still find themselves left with a “non-crime hate incident” on their police record.
Too often the term “Orwellian” is thrown about but, for once, that is exactly what this new law is.
How else could you describe a law that criminalises someone for telling the truth?
The Harry Potter author has become a heroine to millions after she began speaking out about the impact of trans activism on women’s rights and safety a few years ago.
She has been cruelly branded a hate figure, a transphobe and a bigot.
Of course, she isn’t any of those things, yet that hasn’t stopped trans activists from targeting her with vicious abuse and even threats to rape and kill her.
All for the sin of stating the simple biological fact that trans women are not women, they’re men.
While Rowling has chosen to be at the vanguard of this culture war, she is not alone.
Like thousands of other women, I too have demanded that the police arrest me for the hate crime of stating a fact.
I will never be forced to submit to the Trans Thought Police.
No threat of prison will make me say something I know not to be true, or enable men to encroach on all the rights women have fought for, from single sex toilets and changing rooms to women’s prisons and women’s sport.
The statement that “trans women are women” is a lie.
And it doesn’t matter how often you say it, it won’t become less of a lie.
Just as two plus two will never equal five, just as black is not white and up is not down, a man can never become a woman and a woman can never become a man.
Universal deceit
How can stating a biological fact ever be a hate crime?
As George Orwell wrote: “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.”
With the reaction to this new Scottish law, that revolution is now in full swing and, like a modern-day Boudica, JK Rowling is our warrior queen.
If the Scottish police had been foolish enough to turn up at her door, they would have faced an army of like-minded women who would follow her into battle, happy to fill up every bunk in every prison cell in the nation, rather than pretend to believe a man can become a woman.
JK Rowling may have made her fortune from creating a fictional world of wizards, but she knows there’s no Harry Potter magic wand that can turn that lie into the truth.
- Watch Julia on TalkTV, 10am to 1pm every Monday to Thursday.
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